Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Beauty of Checkered Floors

I guess everybody knows how a chess table looks like. Its checkered design reminds me of my childhood summer holidays when I used to play chess with my uncle who taught me this game or with my brother. They were in love with this game and they still are but I am not so found of it anymore. It is a static game which acquires a lot of thinking, good strategy and a lot of patience. Lately I became a more dynamic person, I like to solve things quickly but I still have a lot of patience.
Perhaps these checkered floors have the same effects on you too if it happens that you love chess. They resemble a chess table and although may take you with the think of a classic interior they prove to be perfect for modern interiors too. Decorati Designer Potofolios presents some examples which may inspire you and give you new ideas for your interior designs.
These beautiful and elegant checkered tiles preserve the classic combination of colors of black and white but they also combine other colors like blue and white or beige and white. There are also seen those perfect squares which can be found in various sizes, big or small that create a playful ambiance too.
Although you may think that these checkered floors can be seen only on the hall or used for a party space they are used for different spaces like kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms interior halls or even wine cellars. Usually they appear to complete the symmetry of colors used all around the space and create a totally different atmosphere compared to the use of other type of floors. Still, their classic appearance and the elegant combination of colors make of them a perfect choice for any type of interior and especially for those who love chess

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